Friday, September 24, 2010

Levels of Authority in Social Media

In pondering the issue of having a methodology for Social Media and Business , I came across Timothy Carter's post "The 5 Levels of Authority Found in Social Media" from way back in 2009. This is an early attempt at trying to formalize some structure for this type of thing.

These are his definitions:

Level 1) (Lowest) Perceived Authority.

This Authority comes from the image that you market to lists — and is a pure result of marketing which can create a large numbers of followers quickly. Results and Proof are lacking as well as personal connection.

Level 2) Promotional Authority.

This authority comes from what you promote out into the marketplace about you and your message- and brand into the social media zone. This can come from many arenas, including ads, videos, and personal connections. Some results may be starting to show along the way.

Level 3) Knowledge Authority.

This Authority comes from having the Knowledge and education about social media and folks realize it and acknowledge it with comments on blogs, videos, and other talking about you and your message. Your teachings are well read and videos are well watched for content. Results are maturing as your Knowledge grows and matures of social media.

Level 4) True Authority. (Highest)

This can only come from Consistent, Experienced, Knowledge Driven RESULTS and SOCIAL PROOF. In Social Media Leadership, there are no short cuts, and no hidden trails. True Authority can only come from what you have made happen in the marketplace for you and others over time and consistently. And folks will realize it, and want to be a part of your Impact, and follow you and befriend you by the tens of thousands with little marketing needed. The word organically gets out.

I guess this applies to the real world as well, with the difference being the speed at which messages and reputations spread.

However, in the real (and internet) world, Level 1 Authority is normally sufficient for 'most' people. Unfortunately 'most' represents over 95% (just gut-feel, no statistics to back this up) which in any system represents a supermajority.

Presumably in the business world, people are (or should be) more keenly aware of such things.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lessons from Catalyst Connector's - The Business of Social 3.0 Workshop

This event was held on 16 Sep 2010 in Singapore. It was a half day workshop/networking session on Making Social Media Work for Your Business - focusing on networking and business matching within the context of entrepreneurship, incubators, startups and small businesses.

This is the first of a series of workshop/networking events to be organized by Catalyst Connector, a new and innovative business catalyst that actively builds the connections between people, companies, projects and opportunities

While there are many events that advertise to address social media uses and ways to improve your business, this one takes a very different tack. Instead of merely giving general high-level tips, tricks and best practices, this is a serious attempt to formulate a structured methodology on using new media to generate and connect with compatible partners and projects.

Here are the takeways:

1 New Media = Social Media (SM) + Traditional Media (TM)

To create Authority, Authenticity and Sustainability we have to deploy social media and traditional media. While 'old' media like newspapers, tv etc are on the decline, their demise shouldn't be exagerrated. The majority of people still formulate opinions and views based on what gets published/broadcast there. Further, many just focus on headlines and buzz words.

Whilst TM provides the punch, the impact is fleeting i.e. mentions in newspapers, tv, radio are ephemeral and are quickly replaced by the next news articles. With SM, memes, ideas and events can live on for a long time. The buzz can continue much longer and with lasting impact online and be transformed into a warm glow.

TM = authority, ephemeral

SM = authenticity, longevity, virality, referencability

However, the interplay between the online and offline requires intricate management and many would benefit from more structured handholding and guidance.

2 Workshop Series - Journey Of Multiple Steps

This event introduced the idea that networking and matching in the era of Social Media is a journey. Instead of providing lists of to-dos and general concepts, the organizers take the view that a structured process is needed to fully realize the value to be obtained from the current new media environment vis-a-vis business networking and matching for startups.

They provided a high-level map of what this journey entails. This process essentially takes the form:

  1. Transform
    • Persona Management - managing multiple personas
    • Knowledge Management

  2. Take-Off
    • Networking tools/techniques
    • How to work a (virtual) room
    • Integrate online and offline

  3. Target
    • Matching and Closing the deal
    • Executing Transactions/Projects
    • Getting results

This novel idea is still at its inception stages and we'll be very keen to see how this works out in reality. However, I think it is headed in the right direction and I am really looking forward to the next events in this series.

It was a real pleasure to have participated in the Business of Social 3.0 workshop/networking event and connect with many friends and colleagues working towards promoting social media for business and making the entrepreneurial environment more vibrant and rewarding.

Here are some links to useful resources related to this subject.

Catalyst Connector on Facebook - where you'll find updates and event information posted regularly

Catalyst Connector's Resource Page - where there are many links to media, presentations, articles etc.