Saturday, July 20, 2013

Lessons from Pixar: Why Software Developers should be Story Tellers

Lessons from Pixar: Why Software Developers should be Story Tellers

Film Concepts in Software

“ Talk to users in their own language. Use concepts and processes that your users are familiar with in order to communicate software designs as naturally as possible. ”

It's often said at Pixar that “story is king” and that this is the primary reason for Pixar's success. Appropriately then, all films at Pixar begin with the Story Department, where the initial script is developed and expressed on storyboards to refine the look and feel of the film.

In many ways, designing a great software product is like creating a great story. It’s not surprising that modern agile processes refer to “user stories” as a way to capture requirements from the perspective of the user. So very early on we took this concept to the next level and created a Story department in our software group.

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