Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Yet another missive on how to build great products....

How to build great products

...three buckets to categorize any given feature:

A gamechanger
People will want to buy your product because of this feature.
A showstopper
People won’t buy your product if you’re missing this feature, but adding it won’t generate demand.
A distraction
This feature will make no measurable impact on adoption.
If you believe that sales fix everything, it follows that most startups fail because they don’t ship a great product in a growing market before they run out of money. Assuming you’ve picked an explosive market, how do you go about building a great product?

Building great products is hard, but the difficulty is greatly exacerbated if you have no good model for analyzing products and features. Without a model you’re left with a never-ending stream of feature ideas and half-informed shots in the dark. Some people can pull this off because they start out with a phenomenal product intuition. But most people aren’t blessed with this superpower on day one..

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