Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Games and Gamification of Applications

Recently I have been looking at some games related stuff. This is in the context of new genre games that integrate the physical with the digital worlds like Augmented Reality and Exergaming - video games that are also a form of exercise.

I then came across this article in Fast Company - "MIT Creates The One Video Game You'll Be Thrilled To See Your Kid Get Hooked On" - which I found very interesting and has lots of potential. Whilst not directly related to what I was looking for, it nonetheless is definitely a move in the right direction, at least for some kids.

This phrase from the article sounds the clarion:

"In case you didn't get the memo, games are making all kinds of staid or serious things sexy and downright fun now, from business training to dusty libraries to human rights to health care. Gamification is certainly a trend...."

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